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  • Writer's pictureJenna Kelly

Karen Andor: Understanding Childhood Dissociation

This week, I welcome Karen Andor to the show for a conversation about what dissociation looks like in children with trauma and attachment issues.

Woman smiling
Karen Andor

Karen is a Specialist Support Teacher, an Educational Psychologist, and a Psychotherapist. She works in private practice. Karen has trained in Psychodynamic Play Therapy and Family Therapy. She is a certified Theraplay® Practitioner and is in the process of completing the Supervisor’s Theraplay Practicum. She is currently completing her Level II Sensorimotor Psychotherapy training and has attended Level I of the Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy Training. She has worked in the private sector as well as with deprived communities both in England and in South Africa. She specialises with working with trauma and attachment difficulties and likes to apply the principles of Theraplay within general school settings to support children’s development. She has done extensive work in childhood dissociation

The therapeutic approach Karen developed for working with children and dissociation combines Theraplay and CTIST as well as elements of DDP, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy and SPIM30. She has used this model for working with children who dissociate in sessions since 2016 in her work as a Psychotherapist. Karen uses TIST extensively in her therapy work with adults.

Karen also work as an Educational Psychologist and has worked in private and state schools in England for over a decade. She is currently working for a local council where she assess children for Education, Health and Care Plans.

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Abigail Harris
Abigail Harris
Sep 20, 2023

An incredible episode, thank you so much

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